Sunday, 29 August 2010

Welcome to our place!

We finally have the keys to our brand new home on Brick Lane, and we are psyched!

Luckily we've found a lovely space that needs very few renos, but there will still be some hammers in hand as we negotiate how to build fitting rooms, signs, display cases.. (watch this space if you like photos of bandaged thumbs)

Also, a ton of gorgeous vintage clothing, bags and shoes, has begun it's magic carpet ride to us, and we CANNOT WAIT until it arrives!

Until then, meet Number Four, how we love her so..!


  1. The space is GORGEOUS Marcia! You should probably hire a reliable Canadian carpenter to help with the renos though...I know a guy...;)
    Congrats HOV!

  2. it's a great shop! can't wait to visit you there my love... congrats again!

  3. Looks like a wonderful spot. Can't wait to see it full of wonderful fashions. Are you having a great time getting organized? Lots of hugs and kisses.
