Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hapag-Lloyd stopped by to say Hi.

9am on Friday morning our container arrived from her long journey!
We were so excited to see the treasures inside, we got straight to work..

 Ta-Da!  Magic.

Err..  Well, less magic than a little help from our friends..

Thanks guys!

Now we are in the midst of building racks, shelves, tables and fitting rooms, and thanks to our amazing builder Roman we may even be able to open this weekend! Yes, that's right, in THREE DAYS! 

Show of hands, who's coming to visit this weekend?


  1. I will be there in spirit! (along with another lady who I know would be so extremely proud...)
    xox J

  2. I wish I could be there in person, but I will be there in spirit. Looks like you have lots of unpacking to do. Good Luck! Lots of love XXOOXX
