Monday, 30 July 2012

Sum-Sum-Summer of Love and YSL

 The Sun is shining in London and those games are in full swing, bringing festive summer vibes to the whole city! 
And what better way to celebrate summer than with killer vintage sunglasses and boho-chic jewelery? (Okay.. maybe with a hot little summer dress, but that's for another post)

Check out what this total babe picked up on her recent visit to House of Vintage. It's summer Chic to the max!

Vintage Yves St. Laurent sunglasses, 1970's turquoise pendant necklace and Native American silver cuff with turquoise and coral.  <3  <3  <3

We have also received one of our BEST SHIPMENTS OF ALL TIME (yeah, we said it!) so if you are in or around London come visit us! 4 Cheshire Street, London, E2 6EH.

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